Adult educators

The Train-the-Trainer programme for adult educators focuses on ensuring that the adult educators who participate build the necessary skills to develop their resources and practice and integrate the new open-source software into their teaching. Through the train-the-trainer programme, adult educators develop an understanding of how challenge-based learning works best for today’s digital natives. The proposed train-the-trainer programme also supports educators to maximise the potential of the new dynamic, media-rich challenge-based educational resources, representing a significant innovation in the adult education field.

Module 1: Introducing the Money Matters Financial Literacy Train the Trainer Programme and the concepts of Family Learning


Module 2: Identify key financial vocabulary and concepts and consider financial relationships in different communities


Module 3: Managing risks and emotions associated with money


Module 4: Managing money during critical life periods


Module 5: The role of money in our lives, numeracy and its relevance in Financial Literacy


Module 6: Creating and using digital resources

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